Air Quality Process offers you proven solutions suitable for each of your cheese-making projects:

  • from coagulation to packaging, including drying rooms and maturing cellars in high levels of hygrometry,
  • for a room or on the scale of an entire factory by integrating air flow management of your factory,
  • the only air conditioning batch to work with your local partners or a complete batch including piping, electricity and refrigeration production,
  • from new or remodelled,
  • to handle all room sizes, from 400kg to over 400 tonnes per maturing cellar,
  • for all types of cheese from soft cheese to soft white cheese, pressed cheese and blue-veined cheese.

A tailored solution, which takes into account the climatic needs required:

  • temperature range,
  • hygrometry range,
  • objectives for loss of water weight,
  • rates and variation in air flow,
  • homogenous air distribution, designed specifically for your project and trialled in our test centre prior to leaving the factory.

Other parameters also need to be included in the study of your project according to:

  • operating laws (example: gradual drop in temperature for draining requirements),
  • level of sensitivity of your production (protected or in the open air) at every stage of the process:
    - selection of the air conditioning device in line with the level of hygiene required
    - extraction of polluted air sources
  • management of the air flow surrounding the room,
  • your energy summary (outside temperature conditions compared with the temperatures required in your factory, cost of electricity for your site…) to establish the most favourable solution in terms of operating costs,
  • the particularity of each project (type of milk, fermenting agent and cheese, treatments performed, degree and type of mechanisation, storage facilities for your products, configuration of the premises, location of the technical premises for maintenance access…

Your soft cheese production:

  • Goat’s cheeses (log-shaped goat’s cheese, Sainte Maure de Touraine, Crottins de Chavignol, Pouligny Saint Pierre, Rocamadour, Selles sur Cher, Valençay…),
  • Soft cheeses with mouldy rinds (brie, camembert, Chaource, Brillat-Savarin, Saint-Marcellin…),
  • Soft cheeses with washed rinds (Munster, Epoisses, Maroilles, Saint Albray…).

Your pressed cheese production:

  • Cooked pressed cheeses: Comté, Gruyère, Emmental, L'Etivaz...
  • Non-cooked pressed cheeses: Cantal, Ossau Iraty, Raclette, Port Salut, Saint Nectaire, Cousteron, Edam, Morbier, Etorki...
  • Semi-cooked pressed cheeses: Abondance, Passendale, Cheddar, Pyrénées...

Your blue-veined cheese production:

  • Blue-veined cheeses: Bleu de Bresse, Bleu Danois, Fourme d’Ambert, Gambozola, Gorgonzola, Blue Stilton, Roquefort, Saint Agur...

conditionnement air industrie fromagere

Your soft white cheese production :

  • Pulled curd cheeses: mozzarella, Scamorza…
  • Fromages frais: fromage blanc, faisselle, ricotta, feta…
  • Processed cheeses.